The local culture can be defined historically as a sum of incoming foreign cultures, mainly under the influence of the population arriving from North Africa thousands of years BC, the Romans between the II century BC and V century CE (some important locations can be visited in Alcácer do Sal and in Santiago do Cacém) and succeded by the Arabs until the last conquest in the XIII century CE. The independence of the Portuguese territory declared in the 12th century AD led subsequently to the occupation of the areas south of the 'Tejo' river, designated by their geographical location 'Alentejo' or on the other side of the 'Tejo'. This region includes 2 provinces, which can be well characterized by a dialect speaking population unique in the Portuguese territory.
Lugar Minas da Caveira is today the result of the introduction of more modern influences, such as the liaison to the mother nature regaining the long lost purity of the soils and their capability of sustainable agrar production and forest growth.
Other not less important aspects have been put forward, such as the possibility to recover the social life once very active in earlier epochs, when the christian members of the mining comunity practiced and worshiped in a small chapel situated on the east hillside. Unfortunately, a great fire in 2005 destroyed the most elements of that culture.
Escavations carried out along the platform of the chapel ruin showed the existence of other underlying stone constructions. Following these works, a wide set of stairs was built using a similar construction method.
This group of ruins was rebuilt until 2016. The house of worship is a beautiful room suitable for meetings and cultural events, which regained a living spirit lost since over 60 years. The house nearby used earlier as social rooms maintained its original construction shape. It represents actually the spiritual center with a new house of worship, including sleepig rooms, social and retreat areas, and other amenities.
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Lugar Minas da Caveira